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The Power of Flowers & Its Call for Peace

The Power of Flowers & Its Call for Peace

18th May 2023

Flower lovers and florists around the world are using hashtags such as #flowersforpeace to raise funds, awareness and support for the Ukrainian people. The sunflower being the national flower of Ukraine, that is sparking this support and a stream of images on the internet, but also interpretations of blue and yellow which are the colors of the Ukrainian flag.

Back in April, we had the honorable opportunity to create beautiful sunflower-filled arrangements for the Ukrainian Relief Fundraiser Gala, taken place at The Hard Rock of Hollywood, delivering over 100 arrangements!


It is a tradition that Ukrainian female soldiers wear a sunflower in their hair, paired with a blue flower, to represent the colors of the flag that have also been shared.

The term “flower power” was also popularized by poet Allen Ginsberg and used to inspire anti-war demonstrators wanting peace and love vs. war. Flower power is still a force for good.


As Helen Mirren once said, “I don’t think there’s anything on this planet that more trumpets life than the sunflower. That’s because of the reason behind its name. Not because it looks like the sun but because it follows the sun. During the course of the day, the head tracks the journey of the sun across the sky. A satellite dish for sunshine. Wherever light is, no matter how weak, these flowers will find it. And that’s such an admirable thing. And such a lesson in life.”




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